Equest Horse Wormer (Moxidecin)
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Equest Wormer for Horses
Equest contains moxidecin and treats the dangerous encysted small redworm in horses as well as bots, pinworm and redworm. If additional tapeworm control is required then Equest Pramox may be used instead.
Duration of Action
EQUEST is the only wormer to carry on killing small redworm larvae ingested while your horse grazes for a further two weeks after treatment, cleaning the pasture of this parasite and reducing your horses exposure to re-infection.
Equest has the remarkably long duration of action worming horses by stopping the supression of eggs for 13 weeks.
Larvae ingested by your horse as it grazes invade and accumulate in the horses gut wall. With warmer and wetter winters the peak periods for larval infestation have expanded resulting in the potential for larvae to be picked up late in the year (Love S, 2003). This accumulation of larvae during the grazing season causes damage and inflammation to the horses gut wall resulting in weight loss, as well as having the potential to cause life-threatening illness (Love S et al, 1999).
EQUEST has no confirmed resistance in horses in the UK or Ireland.
Dosing Information
Hold the syringe with the capped end facing left, ensuring that you can clearly see the weight measurements and small black tick marks on it. Reset the syringe to zero by adjusting the dial ring so that the left side aligns with the first complete black mark. Then, depress the plunger, safely disposing of any expelled paste.
To administer the product accurately, maintain the syringe in the same position as described earlier. Each tick mark on the syringe corresponds to 25 kg of bodyweight and 10 mg of moxidectin. Rotate the dial ring until the left side aligns with the weight of the animal you are treating. It is advisable to use a scale or weigh tape to ensure precise dosing.
One syringe is designed to treat a 700 kg horse. To prevent overdosing, exercise caution when dosing foals, particularly those with lower bodyweights or young ponies. Accurate dosing is crucial in these cases.
Equest and Equest Pramox Dosing Programme
Previous advice was to use Equest Pramox wormer alternately with Equest every quarter for a years complete worming programme. Now it is recommended strategic worm control is used with a regular horse worm egg count. Over 90% of the small redworm in your horse can be encysted in its gut wall. Undetectable, horses can harbour tens of thousands of encysted small redworm with no visible illness (Love S et al, 1999). Killing these larvae before they emerge en masse and cause potentially fatal intestinal damage is an important part of any worm control programme
Treatment for tapeworm is recommended every 6 months, in the spring and autumn, as such it is suggested that Equest Pramox is used during these seasons with EQUEST given in the summer and winter.
Key Information
- Equest horse wormer is suitable for foals over four months and pregnant mares
- One tube of Equest will treat a horse up to 700kg
- Supresses eggs for 13 weeks
- Do not use Equest on donkeys
- Equest (and Equest Pramox) is the only horse wormer with a 2 week persistant action
- Equest treats all common horse worms , including Bots (Bot fly larvae) and developing and
- inhibited encysted small redworms at the standard dose.
- Equest is licensed to control benzimidazole resistant strains of cyathostomins.
- Containing the active ingredient Moxidectin Equest is the first new molecule for a horse
- wormer since the introduction of ivermectin.
- Use Pramox in conjunction with Equest every quarter for a years complete worming
- programme. Thats just four single doses a year, one for each season!
- Equest has no confirmed resistance in horses in the UK or Ireland.
- Do not use Equest for sick or debilitated horses
When animals treated with this product excrete faeces containing moxidectin onto pasture, it can lead to a temporary reduction in the population of dung-feeding organisms. In the case of horses treated with the product, moxidectin levels, which can be harmful to dung beetles and flies, may continue to be excreted for over a week. This prolonged excretion may result in a decrease in the abundance of dung fauna in the affected area.
Millions of doses of EQUEST have been safely given to horses of all kinds and research has shown it is safe to use in pregnant and lactating mares, stallions and foals over four months of age.
Adverse reactions have been observed when administering twice the recommended dose in foals and three times the recommended dose in adults. These reactions typically manifest as depression, reduced appetite, ataxia, and a flaccid lower lip within 8 to 24 hours post-treatment. Its important to note that symptoms of moxidectin overdose mirror those occasionally reported at the recommended dosage, but in rare cases, hypothermia and loss of appetite may also manifest. Unfortunately, there is no specific antidote available for these reactions.
Advice on the use of this or alternative medicines must be sought from the medicine prescriber.